Saturday, April 5, 2014

Super COOL!

My husband has random information flying through his head and occasionally I am privileged to hear some of it. :)  This time he was telling me about a cool program our electricity company is doing. Apparently they are offering free a energy and water saving kit to some of their customers. He said that you just have to apply for it and hope they haven't run out yet.

This is what comes in each kit: 6 CFL Twists, 6 CFL Globes, 2 CFL Reflectors and 2 showerheads. I thought it was pretty cool how some companies are trying to help out and share the sustainable news! Call me crazy but this made me happy!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

The art of composting

What is composting and why is it important? I actually have never really understood this concept so thank you for the interest so I could learn more about it.

Composting is a way of recycling that if done right, can give a healthy addition to your garden. If you have ever been in a gardening section of a store I am sure you have seen plenty of fertilizers and other chemicals to supposedly make your garden better. It makes me wonder if it really is that safe or healthy to be used in the gardens you will be planting your very own veggies?? According to my internet researching, composting could very well be the healthier option!

A composting center can be made out of a wood box or simply a heavy duty plastic bin. Somethings that can be included in compost are: leaves, egg shells, orange rinds, glass clippings, paper towels, paper bags, cotton clothing (torn), dried flowers, sawdust, plus more. Just think how much less you will be putting in your garbage can and reusing to better your garden!

If you are interested in learning more you can check THIS out or another site with more ideas and tips HERE.

Let me know how it goes for you or if you want to learn about other green practices!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

PhAnTOm loads... what are they?

Phantom loads are not ghosts but rather wasted electricity you are paying for. Whenever you leave your phone or laptop charger (or of any other electronic device ) plugged in when it is not charging, it is STILL using electricity! I found on this website HERE that this could also include TVs, or other electronics that are ready to start up on command.

So here is a SUPER SIMPLE $$ saving idea that you could begin to apply to your routine. My husband and I unplug our TV and it's accompanying devices, the microwave, the toaster when we go on weekend or longer trips. It's just an easy way to save on your electricity bill.

In answer to your question...

Someone who took a survey mentioned that they would love to grow their own veggies but it's hard living in an apartment. I think I may have found a great solution for this!! Plus, being the first day of spring I thought it was a perfect post to make today.

It's called planter gardening!
What you do is select a planter or pot that you could grow a plan in and then get a bag of soil (or some spare dirt :) and plant those veggies! Click HERE to get a more detailed overview on how it works. It is a nice addition to any porch and perfect for not only the college student but anyone living in tight quarters and no land space.

Another idea I have seen is the hanging tomato planter. I think you can even find it at walmart or other stores that have garden departments.

Once it warms up and the snow melts here at my little cabin I will see if my husband will help me get a planter garden started! I will let you know how that goes!!

In my search for finding the solution to this problem, I also found that vertical gardens are a good option. I will go into more depth on that in a later post.

If there is anything "green" or sustainable that you would love to learn more about, let me know! I will be happy to do the researching and find a simple response.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

WOW Surveys are in!

I first want to thank everyone who took the survey I posted on Facebook! I had 6 results within the first 10min!! It was quite interesting seeing what people understand about sustainability and also what some of their interests are.

I will take these results and update this blog with small suggestions or things that I learn! I am so excited to share what I learn!!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Praticioner proposal

I am starting a GREEN journal in unison with a research paper I completed about workforce trends. Sustainability is trend that is quickly gaining popularity and creativity.

My plan is to survey random facebook friends to find out how understood this new trend is. I will also see the perceived feelings towards this trend. With these findings I will do my best to help others become more aware of this money saving trend!

You are welcome to follow me on my journey!